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Best Preschools in Long Beach, CA

79 Results

FAQs About Long Beach Preschools

How many preschool programs are in Long Beach?
Based on Winnie provider data, there are currently 74 preschool programs in Long Beach.
How much does preschool cost in Long Beach?
The average monthly price for Long Beach preschools is $917. This is based on provider data for preschools listed on Winnie.
How many programs in Long Beach accept preschoolers aged 3-4 years?
Based on Winnie provider data, there are 73 preschool programs in Long Beach that accept kids ages 3-4 years old.
What types of preschool curriculums are offered in Long Beach?
The 8 most popular preschool curriculum types in Long Beach include: Academic-Based, Religious, Play-Based, Montessori, Emergent, Mixed Age, Blended Curriculum, Reggio Emilia.

More About Long Beach, CA

Long Beach is a large suburb located in Southern California. Residents are attracted to its diversity and variety of outdoor activities. The cost of living is slightly higher than the state average and the city offers a variety of urban and suburban living options. Family-friendly neighborhoods are Alamitos Heights, Belmont Heights, and Bixby Knolls. Top rated public schools in the area include Gant Elementary, Kettering Elementary School, and Naples Elementary School.