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Best Toddler Daycares in La Plata, MD

22 Results

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FAQs About La Plata Toddler Daycares

How many La Plata daycare programs accept toddlers?
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Based on current daycare data, 18 daycare programs in La Plata accept toddlers (1 - 2 years old) and 18 daycare programs in La Plata accept toddlers (2 - 3 years old)
What is the weekly cost of daycare for a toddler in La Plata?
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The average weekly cost of daycare for a toddler between the ages of 1 and 3 is $275. This is based on provider cost data for daycares listed on Winnie.
What type of daycare schedules are available for toddlers attending daycare in La Plata?
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Out of 18 daycares that accept toddlers, 6% offer full time, 6% offer part time, and 6% offer drop-in.