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Best In-Home Daycares in Visalia, CA

91 Results
Visalia Home-Based Claimed 5.0

In-Home Daycare Program

Daycare 0 mo - 8 yr

Childcare program offering learning environment and preschool activities. Provider works closely with parents to address each child's needs.

Debbie is a wonderful caretaker! My daughter was with her from 6 weeks old until 3 1/2 yrs. I almost didn’t want to take her out to start preschool. And I am definitely having her watch my newest. I …

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FAQs About Visalia In-Home Daycares

How many kids can a home daycare have in California?
In California, small family childcare homes can care for up to eight children, while large family childcare homes can accommodate up to 14 children.
How many home daycares are in Visalia, CA?
There are currently 91 home daycares in Visalia.
What is the average monthly cost of in-home daycare in Visalia?
The average monthly tuition for full time care in a home daycare is $864. This is based on provider cost data for home daycares listed on Winnie.