Bedford KinderCare
Description provided by the business.Early education and childcare center serving infants, toddlers and preschoolers. Play-based curriculum focuses on early academics, literacy, science, social-emotional development and creativity. Classroom environments promote independence and exploration while also building a sense of community. Daily schedule maintains a balance of structured and unstructured activities designed to meet the needs of each child.
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Bedford KinderCare is now enrolling for one or more spaces.
Job Openings Available
Passion Meets Opportunity! We team up with passionate teachers and staff members across the country to positively impact the lives of children and families through a focus on quality education, a dedication to health and safety, and a knack for fun! Apply today to join our team. View all open positions
Financial Aid
- Offers Financial Aid
Languages Spoken
- English
Location Details
- Meals are provided.
Programs Offered
Full Time
Full Year
6:30 AM - 6:30 PM
Potty Training
Not Required
Toddlers are on the go, exploring and learning new things throughout each day. Classrooms are kid-size in design, allowing children to do more things independently, building their self-confidence. Photos of the children’s families cover the walls of the classroom, creating a sense of community. Daily routine includes: outdoor play, circle time, dance & movement, reading, art, music, and free play.
Education Types
- Academic-Based
- Play-Based
Full Time
Full Year
6:30 AM - 6:30 PM
Preschool program designed to create a strong academic and social foundation. Teachers introduce math, literacy, and science. Activities also include music, movement, art, pretend play, and group games. Children become an active part of their classroom community.
Education Types
- Academic-Based
- Play-Based
Full Time
Full Year
6:30 AM - 6:30 PM
Hands-on preschool program with a strong focus on school readiness. Children are encouraged to think independently and express their individuality. Your child’s day is filled with creating, experimenting, and imaginary play. Curriculum includes: math, science, language, and spanish. Children begin to expand social skills and build friendships.
Education Types
- Academic-Based
Full Time
Full Year
6:30 AM - 6:30 PM
Final year of preschool designed to prepare children for kindergarten. Program puts a strong emphasis on literacy and language arts. Daily routine includes: reading, writing, math, science, Spanish instruction, movement, art, and music. Teachers model respect and kindness, and children learn how to resolve conflicts and build friendships. Children also learn to express themselves through writing and telling complete stories.
Education Types
- Academic-Based
Full Time
School Year
6:30 AM - 6:30 PM
Full-day program providing a kindergarten experience that will fully prepare children for elementary school. Child-led and project-based curriculum encourages teamwork, creativity, and critical thinking skills. Daily routine includes STEM activities and interactive games. Caring teachers ensure that your child gets plenty of practice in math, reading, writing, and science.
Education Types
- Academic-Based
- Project-Based
Bedford KinderCare is a licensed child care center.
Licensed Child Care Center
KinderCare Learning Center - Bedford
Parent Reviews
Did your child attend Bedford KinderCare? Write a review to help other parents learn more. Review Policy.
"I just wanted to let you know how incredibly pleased we are with the Bedford Center. The atmosphere is sunny, warm and inviting which was the first thing I was impressed with when we visited. The staff are consummate professionals, and I'm always impressed at the level of care that is given to my children. The teachers seem to genuinely enjoy the kids and since they've been enrolled, the boys call every older female 'Ms.' which I find super cute. Every teacher has her own special way of communicating and interacting, and I've noticed that the boys respond and adapt well to every one of them. The biggest endorsement I can give you is the fact that the boys are always super excited to go to school and they look forward to spending time with all their teachers! It is a huge relief to know they are safe and happy while learning so much about life, other children and themselves. The daily reports are wonderful and it gives us a glimpse into their fun filled day. Thanks so much for taking good care of our boys and we know that this center, you, and your staff were special the minute we walked in."