Jumpstart Childcare Center

Rock Falls Center Unclaimed
See 12 similar daycare businesses in Rock Falls, IL

Nursery, childcare, and early learning center focusing on whole child development. Play-based learning seeks to allow natural growth through structured and free play activities. Children participate in age-appropriate learning such as teacher-lead science experiments, arts and crafts, dramatic play, motor skills and sensory development exercises, physical movement, music, and dance. Each age group is provided with appropriate toys and learning equipment.

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Location Info

729 W Rock Falls Rd

Rock Falls, IL 61071

Languages Spoken

  • English

Programs Offered

Daycare Program

Daycare 1 mo - 6 yr
  • Schedules

    Full Time, Part Time

  • Calendar

    Full Year

  • Hours

    5:30 AM - 5:30 PM


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Education Types

  • Academic-Based
  • Play-Based


Jumpstart Childcare Center is a licensed child care center.


Licensed Child Care Center







Last retrieved 03/26/23. More information about licensed providers in IL can be found at Illinois Department of Children & Family Services.

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