Just 4 Kids Child Care Center (Larsen Rd.)
See 94 similar daycare businesses in Green Bay, WICenter offers care and early learning opportunities for infants, toddlers, preschool, and school-age children. Learning centers provide variety of options for hands-on activities to social, cognitive, and physical growth. Focus is placed on preparing children for Kindergarten. Theme-based curriculum incorporates lessons in early science, literacy, math, and language concepts. Daily activities include art, sensory exploration, imaginative play, outdoor play, and music.
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Location Info
2480 Larsen Rd
Green Bay, WI 54303
Languages Spoken
- English
Location Details
- Program includes field trips.
- Meals are provided.
Programs Offered
Daycare Program
Just 4 Kids Child Care Center (Larsen Rd.) is a licensed child care center.
Licensed Child Care Center
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